7:58 AM
As promised I dined in Tito Chef once again... I ate here after my graveyard shift, meaning this was my lunch-meryenda-dinner-in-one meal. Gahhh Tito Chef was the place I needed to relive me from stress internship gives me. Too much things to do, so little energy and time to do. Anyhow, here's what my mom and I ordered this time :)
Caramelized Chicken Wings
I was not that happy with my order. It was good, but not great. It was too sticky it sticks to my teeth and to the plate or wherever it touches. The sauce is so blunt too. Why oh why? :(
American Burger
This is a must order. The patty was juicy and the potatoes and salad were a better option than the ones we order in our favorite fastfood stores. :)
Dulce de Leche Cheesecake
Still my favorite cheesecake. Need not to say more :>
I'm still going to promise you guys to dine in there again once again and try out more of their specialty dishes. Which will suit my taste? :)
Always, Kiara