6:14 AM
As part of being a human, a self-capable organism, we are tasked to be responsible for ourselves, the others and our nature. We have the responsibility to nurture and protect what we have. We can not only blame everything on global warming for the sudden increase of water level, we should also blame ourselves for the lack of responsibility- we must segregate and throw our trash properly, stray away from using polluting materials and such. But all was done, and now we pay.
Money will only be a small portion of what we can give and help, but its what we can do with our minds and hands that can save more. Please take note some of the diseases that comes with the flood and its corresponding prophylaxis (how to prevent you from acquiring it) and some of the relief operations being done.
The Faculty of Pharmacy is also accepting donations of wide-mouth amber bottles and help to make ointments for our partner communities. :)
I'm sure each of your institutions have your own operations going, so please please lets move i